Given how many ways there are to prepare and enjoy oats, everyone should be able to find a way to incorporate them ... even if oatmeal isn't your favorite
Oat Groats Oat groats are the least processed form of oats, and they're the closest edible form to what you'd get
if you went out into a field of oats and picked some of the seeds. Groats have the husk removed, and that's it.
Steel-Cut (Irish) Oats There are a few different names for steel-cut oats, including coarse (or coarse-cut) oats and Irish oats
They're all the same, and they're basically made by taking the oat groat and chopping it into a few pieces with a steel blade.
They're all the same, and they're basically made by taking the oat groat and chopping it into a few pieces with a steel blade.
Scottish Oats They start out very similar, as after they're harvested they're cleaned and then hulled, which essentially turns them into oat groats.