Grandma's Favorite Vintage Strawberry Dessert In USA  

Grandma’s Old-Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake When my grandma served this shortcake, she usually topped it with homemade vanilla ice cream. 

Strawberry Crumble Pie I host an annual pie-making party before Labor Day. 

We host a pig roast on our farm every year, but the pies take center stage at the end of the meal. 

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Mamaw Emily's Strawberry Cake My husband loved his mamaw's strawberry cake recipe.

He thought no one could duplicate it. I made it, and it’s just as scrumptious as he remembers.

Strawberry Rhubarb Cake with Orange I came up with this strawberry rhubarb cake

when I wanted to make something with rhubarb and strawberries that wasn't a pie.

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