By avoiding certain cooking oils and eating more dairy, your risk of Alzheimer's might shrink.
Milk Helps Heals The Brain For a brain-healthy diet, drink more dairy milk. Several studies have linked milk to a lower risk of dementia.
In 2016, a systematic review in Nutrients confirmed this. After analyzing 39 studies, researchers concluded that milk improves cognitive function and sustains memory.
Coffee, Even Decaffeinated, Can Stave Off Dementia According to the Alzheimer's Society, most research on coffee is as an anti-dementia drink
In 2012, a study from the University of South Florida concluded that coffee can reduce Alzheimer's risk.
Apples Create New Neurons An apple a day might not stave off the doctor, but it can prevent Alzheimer's.
In 2020, researchers discovered that antioxidants in apples can lower the risk of dementia.